Paul & Linda Krueger


Linda and Paul invite you to look at what we have been up to during our retirement.

Linda is a docent at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, is an artist, and is also studying Spanish. Check out some of her art on the "Art by Linda Krueger" page.

Paul is spending most of his time thinking and writing about macroeconomics. Check out thoughts on this page and posts on the "Civil Discourse" blog. When time permits he thinks about doing some AI research that he has wanted to do for a while. You can see some of those ideas by looking at the "Paul's Research" page.

Together we travel and take lots of pictures that we share. Find those on the "Travel Albums" page

We both love to take pictures of flowers so membership at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum was a natural for us. With the advent of digital photography we've found ourselves taking hundreds of pictures every time we go out. Some that we really like can be found on the "Arboretum Albums" page.

All the pictures on our site are suitable for screen display. If you really want to print one out, please let us know and we can send you a version with higher resolution.

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