Daily Activity (2000/03/16 - 2000/04/24)
Other reports: Daily Activity | Host Activity | Page Activity | Server Errors | Access Denied Errors | Search Engine Analysis | Summary

The Daily Activity report details the traffic history of the site, logging hits, visits, pages, and kilobytes transferred for each day. Please note the following caveats when interpreting this data:

  • Hits--every request, whether for an image or a page counts as a hit. One page with five pictures would generate six hits for each visit with a graphical browser. It is very important to remember that Hits != Visitors.
  • Visits--it is impossible to completely sure of the actual number of visitors you have each day, due to proxies, varying cookie support in browsers, etc., so we have to use a few assumptions. The assumptions we make here is that any visitor to the site will typically take less than 30 minutes to read each page. If another request comes in after that interval passes from the last hit, this is probably another visit. Because proxies allow users to browse simultaneously, this number tends to be a bit conservative in most cases, making the actual count higher.
  • Pages--everything but images count as a page request. If you have a lot of downloadable content on the site, this count could be inflated.
  • KB--all traffic, regardless of the type of content, is counted in this total, making this an accurate number.

Activity by Date

DateHits VisitsPagesKB
2000/03/168 469.65
2000/03/1759 2547110.94
2000/03/1843 2225159.44
2000/03/1978 2330255.93
2000/03/2078 2947307.40
2000/03/21103 3448610.54
2000/03/22111 4356605.57
2000/03/2366 2127504.19
2000/03/24133 30651,243.38
2000/03/2553 1926271.57
2000/03/26196 27114371.76
2000/03/27113 4066585.37
2000/03/2893 3146600.45
2000/03/2982 3339612.34
2000/03/30114 2149786.54
2000/03/3182 2354289.56
2000/04/0184 2841495.69
2000/04/0261 1322420.42
2000/04/0394 2037400.11
2000/04/0469 2841244.13
2000/04/0568 1619207.94
2000/04/06164 20121761.72
2000/04/0778 2953316.86
2000/04/0859 2034212.53
2000/04/0972 1632356.69
2000/04/1094 2851532.78
2000/04/1160 1820321.64
2000/04/1256 1418341.25
2000/04/1375 2131398.42
2000/04/1490 3459565.71
2000/04/1560 2341381.46
2000/04/1660 1523169.73
2000/04/1787 2451894.77
2000/04/18132 32661,178.20
2000/04/1947 1719316.28
2000/04/2055 2130301.63
2000/04/2186 1944595.79
2000/04/2298 2475265.68
2000/04/2340 815265.33
2000/04/2484 767383.02

Total running time for this report: 19.55 minutes.

Report generated by Perl WebStats, 2.1. © 1999-2000, Gallant Technologies, Inc. Licensed under GPL.