Summary Statistics (2000/03/16 - 2000/04/24)
Regex used on logs: ^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \[(.+)\] \"(.+)\" (\S+) (\S+)$
Number of (sub)domains covered: 1
Processed 9,203 out of 10,258 lines.
Reports: Daily Activity | Host Activity | Page Activity | Server Errors | Access Denied Errors | Search Engine Analysis | Summary

Daily Activity
Number of days covered 40
Total KBytes transfered 167,251.42
Total number of hits registered 9,203
Total number of visits by separate parties 1,231

Host Activity
Total number of hosts visiting this site 746
Total number of domains visiting this site 217
Total number of TLDs visiting this site 27

Page Activity
Total number of page hits 3,145
Total number of unique pages served 243
Total number of unique entrance pages 243

Server Errors
Total number of requests that generated errors 0
Total number of unique requests that generated errors 0

Access Denied Errors
Total number of requests that were denied access 314
Total number of unique requests that were denied access 48

Search Engine Analysis
Total number of search engines used to find this site 0

Total running time for this report: 14.12 minutes.

Report generated by Perl WebStats, 2.1. © 1999-2000, Gallant Technologies, Inc. Licensed under GPL.