Chuck Henry
Chuck Henry
I spend 43 years in the computer industry holding many different job positions. I retired as a software systems analyst designing software. My wife Lavon spent 37 years practicing law.
We have two daughters and two grandsons.
We have a 23 acre yard where I fly my RC planes and quad copters. Quite convenient. I just walk out of my garage and fly.
I have been making steel sculptures for 12 years as a hobby. My steel sculptures have been in exhibits at the Burnsville visual art center, Art Reach St. Croix in Stillwater and at the White Bear art gallery. Also a number of folks have commissioned me to make steel sculptures for them.
When it is too cold out to work on steel sculptures in my pole building I do watercoler paintings indoors.
I go fishing, play golf and play lots of pickleball. In the winter I play pickleball indoors at the Forest Lake Y.